Friday, October 9, 2009

Go Radio vs Mayday Parade

Mayday Parade, for those who've been living under a rock, is a pop rock/pop punk band from Tallahassee, Florida. I first heard about them on the 'Punk Goes Acoustic 2' CD back in 2007. Three Cheers for Five Years was my song crush back then. I was literally obsessed by it. When I learned that they also had a normal, non-acoustic version, I definitely had to check it out. Got the EP, checked out the other songs, and ultimately fell in love with all the songs on Tales Told By Dead Friends (particularly One Man Drinking Games; that song could make me cry when I'm feeling emo XD)

They also released the renowned A Lesson in Romantics album later that year. It's still one of my all time favourites. The songs were lyrically perfect. Yet, the best had to be the delivery. They sang with such a raw passion. The emotion they conveyed was almost palpable. The dual vocals just blew me away.

Even later that year, while youtubing some videos, I found out that Jason Lancaster had left the band. Not really certain about the role he had in the band, I looked him up and soon realised that he was the deep voice on the songs. The one who sang the "And if you sing to me..." part on You Be The Anchor, the one who sang the "This will be the first time in a week..." part on Miserable At Best. The one whose parts I sang each time my sister and I had our Mayday Parade duets (she was generally Derek).

God was I heartbroken. I didn't have to mourn for long though, cause I soon found out that Jason had formed another band.

Go Radio, an Indie/pop/rock band from Tallahassee, Florida, United States, formed in 2007, after Jason Lancaster left Mayday Parade. It consists of (from left to right) Alex Reed, Steven Kopacz, Matt Burns and Jason Lancaster.

According to an interview with Alternative Press, when Jason left Mayday Parade, he was pretty much tired of music in general. However, with the support of his friends and other awesome persons surrounding him, he decided to come back into it.

Thanks to God.

It only took me one listen at I Miss You to fall for them. The raw emotions I loved in Mayday Parade were still there, the lyrics still as brilliant. Plus they had their demos up for free! That California Song and I Wish It Would Snow are still two of my favourite songs from them. (Moot point since I can't decide on any actual favourite. All their following songs are just that awesome.)

And the best was that they were not a Mayday Parade wannabe. They had their own sound. No dual vocals (they didn't need it!), more catchy tunes.

They were Go Radio, a totally different band with oh so talented artists. I started loving them as much as I loved Mayday Parade. Maybe even more.

I followed their career as an enthusiastic fan almost since the very beginning. Waited for their EP Welcome To Life with impatience and was rewarded by its awesomeness.

I hadn't forgotten my love for Mayday Parade though. Tales Told By Dead Friends and A Lesson In Romantics were still constantly playing on my media player. And I kept waiting for their new stuff with impatience.

Nevertheless, I must admit that I was somewhat disappointed when I saw their music video for 'Miserable at Best' - released in early 2009. For one, they had cut THE best part (which was sung by Jason on the CD) out of the song and for two, they had made Jake lip-synch Jason's part.

Still, I started to get impatient for their new album when I saw Derek's acoustic video of 'I Swear This Time I Mean it' at that time still known as the 'Untitled Song'. My anticipation kind of died when they posted 'Anywhere But Here' and 'The Silence' before the release of their new album, though.

I knew that they were going to sound different, with Jason gone. And those songs definitely proved that. They sounded poppier, still good but a lot more generic. It started to mentally prepare myself to be completely disappointed by Anywhere But Here, their new album.

However, Anywhere But Here recently came out (October 6th 2009) and to my surprise, I was not completely disappointed. Sure, the new album is no way as good as ALIR or TTBDF, but it features some good songs.

Get Up is terribly catchy, I Swear This Time I Mean It could be considered the Miserable At Best of this album, and Still Breathing has something of the old Mayday. The lyrics are simplistic, but still good considering the fact that they've lost Jason's lyrical genius. They do sound a lot more poppier and generic, but I guess that had to be expected.

Anyway... I don't know if it was intentional or not on Go Radio's part, but they also released two new songs to be featured on their new 'FREAKING EPIC' EP (nah, that's not it's actual name) on that exact date.

And while I was expecting something awesome from them, they exceeded my expectations. Like totally. Fall Asleep First and Thanks For Nothing are so f-ing good that I actually had to use an expletive to convey such awesomeness. I've been playing those songs on repeat, and I just can't stop listening to them.

Anyway, to conclude that long post, I just wanted to say that my love for Mayday Parade is still intact. I'm not going to give up on them after Anywhere But Here. They're still great artists and I do expect a 'comeback of the year' after their imho second LP's 'sophomore slump'.

As for Go Radio, well, I believe that those guys are talented as hell and definitely criminally underrated at the moment. As I've said and will continue to say, GO RADIO IS THE NEXT BIG THING!!! And I sure hope that they're going to be heard on all radio stations very soon.


  1. I feel the exact way you do, except more disapointed in MP. Go Radio is overwhelming me with "why I'm home" and "stay gone". They need more exposure and I'd happily do what I can in my area

  2. i just found out about Jason leaving.
    I am completely devastated.
    Go Radio isn't a bad band; they're quite good with Jason actually. But Mayday just doesn't seem, well, whole... without the two singers idea. I don't know. I'll just have to wait and see.
    But i do agree that Mayday is sounding like they're turning a bit mainstream. i like the old MP better.

  3. You know that Jason wrote "Thanks for Nothing" about Dereck, right? Have you heard of Save It For Sunrise, Stages & Stereos, or Select Start? Jason's brother Daniel is the vocalist for the first two and just became another vocalist for the third. I went to high school with Daniel, and he is a dear friend. Jason is a really cool guy to hang out with too.

  4. I completely agree with you i always felt that jason always had a stronger voice that always made the hairs of my arm stand up. Hes so passionate when he sings you can see it when hes live even when your hearing it by yourself he puts more empahsis on his words. His lyrics also are more deep than dereks new songs like you said they are more general and now they just sound like any other band which is a bit diassapointing. But i will always have a plcae for mayday in my heart although go radio takes most of it now hehe.

  5. First off, I love your whole explanation of the two bands. Because i pretty much had the same feelings. I'm a huge Go Radio and Mayday fan. You posted this a while ago. And between then and now Go Radio has released an EP, and album and a deluxe edition to that album which i would really like to hear your thoughts on. Also Mayday Parade release their own EP and self titled album.

  6. As corny as it sounds, i found out about MP on a app called Tap Tap Revolution 4. Ever since then my life has never been the same. I became obsessed with them. In the meanwhile i was able to learn about Jasons band Go Radio which i found out that was where Jason had disappeared to and i loved them just the same. In the begingin i didnt realize that Jason was not in the album Anywhere But here until i saw i only liked about 4 songs off the album but basically the entire ALIR. I just wish Jason would go back. I fell in love with Mayday for a reason and but since the departure of Jason, it just hasnt been the same

  7. Hey Fredol, sorry I have no idea how to reply to comments on blogger.

    Anyway, if you're reading this, hm about my opinion on the new GR stuff, I really love everything's they've released so far. I do believe that their latest albums are a bit more polished, though that's probably a good thing... but... I mean if you compare the new Forever My Father to the old version of the song, it's clearly not the same thing. Also, Do Overs and Second Chances was awesome, but I only really LOVE 3 songs out of it. On the other hand, Lucky Street is full of favourites. IDK, I guess, they're quite consistent in producing awesome songs. I can still feel the chills when I hear Jason sing. I had the chance to see them when they came to Australia last year, it was beyond amazing. Redemption In The Verse became one of my favourites after that night. They are really passionate, and they made the crowd feel it. However, having met Jason Lancaster in person might make me a bit biased, since he was so very awesome and so very appreciative of his fans. It's impossible not to like them seeing how much they enjoy making music and sharing it with their fans.

    About Mayday, I really really LOVE Valdosta. I like acoutic songs a lot and I think their remakes of Jamie All Over (featuring vocals from Jason's brother, who was actually also on the ALIR version) and Your Song were really really good. The other songs as well, actually... You could clearly feel the emotion from their voices, something that was terribly lacking on Anywhere But Here. But tbh, I haven't check their self-titled album yet.

    While, I understand where you're coming from, I wouldn't actually want Jason to go back to Mayday. I LOVE GO RADIO, all the members, and they're doing pretty well. Mayday's also proving themselves to still be capable of making great songs, even without Jason. I'd rather have the 2 bands touring together.

  8. Maydays self titled album is incredible.
