Sunday, October 11, 2009

Landon Pigg

I've fallen for Landon Pigg's voice ever since I first heard the song Falling in Love At a Coffee Shop in that Diamonds are Forever ad back in late 2007. His Coffee Shop EP made me fall even harder. Can't Let Go and Great Companion, while already awesome on his album LP, were just terribly brilliant acoustically.

Landon Pigg is definitely a hugely talented artist, who writes and performs meaningful songs in that mellow voice of his. Many of them are actually bittersweet or even sad, expressing feelings of regret over a past love. Something Brief, The Boy Who Never, Can't Let Go and Great Companion are all examples of my previous statement.

It amazes me how he can actually put into words, emotions which are often so hard to describe. You definitely have to check out his new album The Boy Who Never. My favourite track on it would be the song of the same name.

I tried to write down the lyrics by ear, since I couldn't find them online... You can find them below (or on Yeps I posted them up on there too...

The strongest structures ever built
Are the ones that don't get built at all
And the kinds of bricks that don't get laid
Are the only kind that never fall

He told himself how not to lose
By never really trying to win
That's how the man in front of you became
The boy who never

I'm afraid of what might happen if
Together we build a wall
Cause the only kind of love that never gets built
Is the only kind of love that never falls
So I'll forfeit future tears of joy to save us both from pain
I could kiss you now but I'd only miss you more
When I walk away
When I walk away

I never let my heart speak through my lips
I never let my hands rest on your hips
I never said 'I love you'
But a heart never lies
I know you heard me say it when I said it with my eyes

So I'll forfeit future tears of joy to save us both from pain
I could kiss you now but I'd only miss you more

He told himself how not to lose
By never really trying to win
That's how the man in front of you became
The boy who never

The boy who never...

And do check out his acting debut in the movie Whip It. I haven't watched it yet but since it was directed by Drew Barrymore, I'm kinda expecting something nice. Plus he's got an underwater kiss scene in the movie, which I've heard was pretty hot! haha.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Go Radio vs Mayday Parade

Mayday Parade, for those who've been living under a rock, is a pop rock/pop punk band from Tallahassee, Florida. I first heard about them on the 'Punk Goes Acoustic 2' CD back in 2007. Three Cheers for Five Years was my song crush back then. I was literally obsessed by it. When I learned that they also had a normal, non-acoustic version, I definitely had to check it out. Got the EP, checked out the other songs, and ultimately fell in love with all the songs on Tales Told By Dead Friends (particularly One Man Drinking Games; that song could make me cry when I'm feeling emo XD)

They also released the renowned A Lesson in Romantics album later that year. It's still one of my all time favourites. The songs were lyrically perfect. Yet, the best had to be the delivery. They sang with such a raw passion. The emotion they conveyed was almost palpable. The dual vocals just blew me away.

Even later that year, while youtubing some videos, I found out that Jason Lancaster had left the band. Not really certain about the role he had in the band, I looked him up and soon realised that he was the deep voice on the songs. The one who sang the "And if you sing to me..." part on You Be The Anchor, the one who sang the "This will be the first time in a week..." part on Miserable At Best. The one whose parts I sang each time my sister and I had our Mayday Parade duets (she was generally Derek).

God was I heartbroken. I didn't have to mourn for long though, cause I soon found out that Jason had formed another band.

Go Radio, an Indie/pop/rock band from Tallahassee, Florida, United States, formed in 2007, after Jason Lancaster left Mayday Parade. It consists of (from left to right) Alex Reed, Steven Kopacz, Matt Burns and Jason Lancaster.

According to an interview with Alternative Press, when Jason left Mayday Parade, he was pretty much tired of music in general. However, with the support of his friends and other awesome persons surrounding him, he decided to come back into it.

Thanks to God.

It only took me one listen at I Miss You to fall for them. The raw emotions I loved in Mayday Parade were still there, the lyrics still as brilliant. Plus they had their demos up for free! That California Song and I Wish It Would Snow are still two of my favourite songs from them. (Moot point since I can't decide on any actual favourite. All their following songs are just that awesome.)

And the best was that they were not a Mayday Parade wannabe. They had their own sound. No dual vocals (they didn't need it!), more catchy tunes.

They were Go Radio, a totally different band with oh so talented artists. I started loving them as much as I loved Mayday Parade. Maybe even more.

I followed their career as an enthusiastic fan almost since the very beginning. Waited for their EP Welcome To Life with impatience and was rewarded by its awesomeness.

I hadn't forgotten my love for Mayday Parade though. Tales Told By Dead Friends and A Lesson In Romantics were still constantly playing on my media player. And I kept waiting for their new stuff with impatience.

Nevertheless, I must admit that I was somewhat disappointed when I saw their music video for 'Miserable at Best' - released in early 2009. For one, they had cut THE best part (which was sung by Jason on the CD) out of the song and for two, they had made Jake lip-synch Jason's part.

Still, I started to get impatient for their new album when I saw Derek's acoustic video of 'I Swear This Time I Mean it' at that time still known as the 'Untitled Song'. My anticipation kind of died when they posted 'Anywhere But Here' and 'The Silence' before the release of their new album, though.

I knew that they were going to sound different, with Jason gone. And those songs definitely proved that. They sounded poppier, still good but a lot more generic. It started to mentally prepare myself to be completely disappointed by Anywhere But Here, their new album.

However, Anywhere But Here recently came out (October 6th 2009) and to my surprise, I was not completely disappointed. Sure, the new album is no way as good as ALIR or TTBDF, but it features some good songs.

Get Up is terribly catchy, I Swear This Time I Mean It could be considered the Miserable At Best of this album, and Still Breathing has something of the old Mayday. The lyrics are simplistic, but still good considering the fact that they've lost Jason's lyrical genius. They do sound a lot more poppier and generic, but I guess that had to be expected.

Anyway... I don't know if it was intentional or not on Go Radio's part, but they also released two new songs to be featured on their new 'FREAKING EPIC' EP (nah, that's not it's actual name) on that exact date.

And while I was expecting something awesome from them, they exceeded my expectations. Like totally. Fall Asleep First and Thanks For Nothing are so f-ing good that I actually had to use an expletive to convey such awesomeness. I've been playing those songs on repeat, and I just can't stop listening to them.

Anyway, to conclude that long post, I just wanted to say that my love for Mayday Parade is still intact. I'm not going to give up on them after Anywhere But Here. They're still great artists and I do expect a 'comeback of the year' after their imho second LP's 'sophomore slump'.

As for Go Radio, well, I believe that those guys are talented as hell and definitely criminally underrated at the moment. As I've said and will continue to say, GO RADIO IS THE NEXT BIG THING!!! And I sure hope that they're going to be heard on all radio stations very soon.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Look at my toe socks! Aren't they AWESOME?? Nah, seriously! I'd give them an eleven on the AWESOMENESS scale :P

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Computer/Geeky Jokes :)

Haha, I stumbled upon those jokes while browsing around the internet... And yeah, I find those amazingly funny, but you might not... Cause I'm a geek like that.

1. A SQL Query walks into a bar. In one corner of the bar are two tables. The Query walks up to the tables and asks: - Mind if I join you?

2. Why do mathematicians always confuse Halloween and Christmas? Because 31 Oct = 25 Dec.

3. There are 10 types of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't.

And for more jokes you should totally check out this website:

Btw, if you've been here before, you might have noticed that some posts are now missing. Well those were just deleted cause it's decided! As from now on, my blog will only feature things I like, things I want to rant about, reviews, etc... No more negative thinking from me! :)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Random Music Video of the Day

Lately I've been listening to music from the 80's... Namely bands like The Cure and the singer Kate Bush. I love love love Hounds of Love from the latter. Seriously, that song is beyond awesome. And in my opinion, it's way better than the version from The Futureheads. Anyway, here's the video. Enjoy!

Friday, July 24, 2009

ABC music meme

So, I saw this on someone's blog and decided to do mine... Basically, you only have to name one artist you listen to for each one of the letters. I'll try my best to show off the diversity of my musical taste :P Might not cite all my favourites though :(

Btw, I know I should be writing my fic, but here I am wasting my time on a meme. Oh well.

A. Angels & Airwaves
B. Blue October
C. Christophe Mae
D. Dashboard Confessional
E. Enrique Iglesias
F. Finger Eleven
G. Go Radio
H. Hillsong United
I. Iron and Wine
J. Jean-Jacques Goldman
K. Kyo
L. Landon Pigg
M. Maroon 5
N. Natalia Oreiro
O. Oasis
P. Pink
Q. Quietdrive
R. Rise Against
S. Shakira
T. The Calling
U. Utada Hikaru
V. Vertical Horizon
W. Wideawake
X. Xbreed
Y. Yellowcard
Z. Zed

And just because I can't sleep, I'm doing it for song titles also... First Song Title that pops to my mind:

A. Another Heart Calls - The All-American Rejects
B. Broken - Lifehouse
C. Could it be any Harder - The Calling
D. Dernière Danse - Kyo
E. Ensemble - Jean-Jacques Goldman
F. Feeling This - blink-182
G. Goodbye My Lover - James Blunt
H. Hate Me - Blue October
I. It Hurts - Angels & Airwaves
J. Jasey Rae - All Time Low
K. Kiss Me - Sixpence None The Richer
L. Last Goodbye - Alex Band
M. Maybe Tomorrow - Billy Bauer Band
N. No It Isn't - +44
O. One Man Drinking Games - Mayday Parade
P. Please - Alex Band
Q. Quit Your Life - MxPx
R. Return to Me - The Last Goodnight
S. Shut Up - Black Eyed Peas
T. The Phrase That Pays - The Academy Is...
U. Use Somebody - Kings of Leon
V. Viva La Vida - Coldplay
W. Wish You Were Here With Me - Enrique Iglesias
X. Xie Xie Ni De Wen Rou - S.H.E. featuring Fahrenheit
Y. You Make it Real - James Morrison
Z. Zzzzz- The Cab

I Miss You Official Video

Haven't blogged in a while, so here's a quick update. Hope you appreciate the video above. It's the official video for one of my favourite songs - I Miss You by Go Radio. While the vid is not that awesome, you can still appreciate the awesomeness of the song and of Jason Lancaster's lyrics :P

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Cab EP : Lady Luck Review

I've got to say that I'm a huge fan of The Cab. Alex DeLeon has one of the loveliest voices I've ever heard. He's even on my list of voices I'd marry if I could marry a voice (second to Jason Lancaster from Go Radio, ex-Mayday Parade).

I absolutely loved their first album, Whisper War. Seriously, Vegas Skies has been my alarm tone for months, and I'm still not tired of listening to the song. So, it's needless to say that I was impatiently waiting for the release of the new EP.

As soon as i saw that the whole thing was on PureVolume, I went there for a listen. However, I must admit that I was kinda disappointed. I don't know, maybe I was expecting too much??

Not that I'm saying that the EP is not good. It's just that it sounds overproduced.

Okay, let's just start from the beginning.

Take My Hand (remix) for instance. It features vocals from Cassadee Pope from Hey Monday (a great band btw). Well, though they both sing well, I prefer the original by far. Why? I don't like how they've synthesised Alex's voice in that version. I mean, why did they even do that? Alex DeLeon's voice was perfect on the original version!

I am Who I am and Diamonds are Forever are quite goods tracks though. They have the original The Cab sound which I LOVED!

I'll Run (strings) must be my biggest disappointment on this EP. I'll Run was my favourite song on Whisper War. With lyrics like "Girl you're three times the lady I'll ever have", I must admit that I just fell in love with this song the first time I heard it. Now with strings, I was definitely looking forward to something very heartfelt. But I didn't really feel any emotion in his voice. I know it's harsh but I thought that this version was rather dull.

I want to break free (Queen cover) is a really fun cover. First thing that came to my mind when I heard it was : "Aww so sweet".

Lights is the catchiest song on the EP. It was love at first sound. Seriously my favourite.

All in all, the EP is quite good. Just a little disappointed that the EP was much more heavy on the production front... Oh well...

Score: 3.5/5

Sunday, June 28, 2009

King of Pop is no more :(

Two days ago, my dad texted me to tell me about Michael Jackson's death.

Well, I must say that I was pretty shocked and saddened. I texted him back to ask him to confirm the news, because it felt so unbelievable. When he did, I was like NO WAY :(

I liked his music. He was an incredible artist. I remember when I was still young (yeah young, cause now I feel so much older), I used to imitate him from his video clips... Like Earth Song... And we had a huge poster of him. It's still in a drawer somewhere... And I used to try to learn Thriller's choreography or imitate/exaggerate his signature hiccups when we sang his songs...

I'm really really sad. I know he caused a lot of controversy with all the stuff with children in his home and all. But I never believed he was what the press made him look like. In his interviews, he looked pretty naive but genuine.

Well, anyway, let us all remember him as the Pop legend that he was and will always be.

R.I.P Michael Jackson.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mini review: Thirteen Reasons Why

Thirteen Reasons Why is a YA novel written by Jay Asher.

It's the story of Clay Jensen, whose life changes when he receives a package with no return address. On opening it, he finds out its contents; tapes that need to be passed on to 13 persons, recorded by his crush.

Hannah Baker, who weeks ago had committed suicide.

Those seven tapes --thirteen sides-- are a narrative description of what brought her to that point of no return.

But Clay can't understand why he's one of the recipients. What did he do for her to blame him as well?

As the story unfolds, the readers will be in for quite some surprising and unforseen events.

Thirteen Reasons Why is an interesting book. It was well written, with some very shocking plot twists. But did all that make me like it? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Maybe that's because I couldn't really understand Hannah.

I found myself hating her by the end of the book. It's like she was whining during the whole thing and well, I found some of her 'reasons' to be quite petty. Also, I think that what she did was really selfish. Suicide is already something very difficult to deal with. Now, by sending those tapes, she only makes it harder for some persons who were perhaps already blaming themselves. See how selfish she is?

On the other hand, I rather liked Clay's character. He's tormented when he receives the tapes, and can't help himself from feeling guilty. Poor him...

In any case, Thirteen Reasons Why was an okay read. Though I disliked Hannah, I couldn't stop myself from reading it because I really wanted to know about what brought her to that point. So yeah, I'd recommend it, because it was gripping and gives an insight on suicide...

Score: 3.5/5

Friday, June 12, 2009

third post

Third post!! Go me.

So, if ever you've been here before, waiting anxiously for me to update, well, sorry. To tell the truth, I had completely forgotten about this blog... Until today...

So, here I am, with a new layout, and a new post... I'll be sure to update more often now...

Not that I believe anyone's going to read this, but writing is kinda soothing for me... It kinda gives me the same feeling it'd get on a rainy Sunday morning, on my bed under the blankets, with a hot cup of coffee and a good book... Did I mention I loved rain? <3

Sigh, I am rambling like a hm, rambling idiot... Oh well, who cares?

Anyway, I think the future posts will be more interesting...

Stuff I like, dislike, and what not ;)

Well then, till then,